

What  people  say  about 

"Many will be healed 
from this book!" 
~ Pamela Kenney, Rockport, Texas

"I can't put it down! 
 I actually had to set the timer 
on my phone 
so I wouldn't be late for work!"
~ Nanette Lines-Warn, Clear Lake, Iowa

"Thank you, Jillian Lambert, 
for your inspirational words in 
I can't put the book down! " 
~ D.Craig, Portland, TX 

"I just finished the book
I was literally crying.  
~ Nancy Heeren, Leander, Texas

"I wanted to tell you how much
 I am getting from your book... 
A LOT!!  
Thank you so much 
for sharing your story.  
I've seen so much of me 
in your words!"  

~ Sherry Raison, Rockport, Texas

a real page turner!  
Let's get this on the 
New York Times 
Best Sellers list!!!" 
~ Thad Holdefer, Burlington, Iowa

"The best book I've read 
in forever!  
Wow!  Very inspiring! 
A MUST read! 
Beautifully written. 
I was right there with her.  
I couldn't put it down.  
Can't wait for her next one!"

~ Donna Rich Wilson, Rockport, TX

"I read Real Pain Real Peace 
and all I have to say is 
Bravo! Bravo! 
A great read!  
Thank you for writing it!"  
~ J.K., Portland, Texas

"I started reading 
and not able to put it down!
  I wish sleep wasn't a necessity!  
I KNEW this book was one 
I was not going to want to put down!"
~ Hope Schuessler, Rockport, Texas

*   *    *   *   *    *   *   *

What  people  say  about  

"Your book is AMAZING...
finally a true reference to a healthy lifestyle.  
You address so many issues 
that are left out 
of those other 'health food books' 

~ William Flores, TX

"What a treat it was reading 

Many books on wellness 
are difficult to read 
because they're either 
too verbose, 
or cannot relate to the 
stratospheric standards 
they encourage.

is engaging, 
full of useful information, 
and for 'real' people.  
It's refreshing to read about how 
to get back on the wagon 
once you've fallen off.

     I especially liked 
the chapters on 
emotional and spiritual wellness.
The author shares her own experiences 
and gives many different options 
related to healing.  
I found those chapters
delightful and extremely helpful.

is truly holistic in every way, 
and applicable to anyone 
seeking healing or help in developing 
healthy practices in their lives.
I hope there are future books 
written in this engaging, 
practical way! 

Lisa Powell-Watts, M.Ed., 
Licensed Professional Counselor

     "Praise to Jillian Lambert for 
finally writing a health book 
I can understand 
and enjoy reading.  

I never had to go on a diet until age 40. 
I quit smoking, 
went through menopause, 
and gained 25 pounds.  
didn't know what to do 
to get my life back together.

     After reading 
it all started making sense.  

The author is a 
walking dictionary 
on physical and emotional health.  
The health tips are 
easy to understand 
and can be used everyday.

     The author of Real Health Real Life
is compassionate and understands 
we are human and make mistakes 
along the way. 
Most health books are very clinical, 
bares all to readers, 
and is a credible read.  
The author is a talented writer 
and dedicated wellness expert." 

~  R.N., Southlake, TX

     "Simply put, the path towards total health 
can be a rocky journey.  
Sometimes we stray 
for one reason 
or another, from our goal of 
becoming our best "self." 

is an invaluable guide 
for getting back on track.  

The author discusses 
approaches to diet, 
fitness, emotional 
and spiritual health, 
in a candid, down-to-earth, 
understandable fashion.  

I was amazed at 
how much information
was packaged in this one book, 
including recipes and journals.  
Definitely money well spent!"   

~  K. McCormick, Austin, TX   

(Print and Ebook versions of 
Real Health Real Life have been 
revised and updated)

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

What  people  say  about 
Stretch/Yoga/Meditation video/DVD:

"I bought the Real Serenity video, 
did it at home, 
and MAN, did it feel good!!!"

~ Stephanie Seidel, Rockport, Texas

What  people  say  about 

"This incredible woman 
has an amazing story to share.  
Read about her personal journey 
Through total and complete devastation 
in every level of her life, 
Jillian rises up 
from the ashes of despair 
still standing strong...

Finding peace at the end 
of her quest, 
all while living 
an authentic life."   

~ Ron Bowles, IN

Jillian Lambert has been my 
personal trainer for 4 years.  
Despite my busy career schedule, 
she has enabled me to maintain 
a healthy, balanced lifestyle.  

She gives me motivation 
to exercise consistently 
and educated me on proper diet and nutrition.
She is dependable, hard working 
and committed to 
helping me reach 
my fitness goals -- 
not just for the short term, 
but for years to come." 

~ Courtney Dudley, M.D., Austin, TX


"Jillian Lambert is 
our Feng Shui guru. 
She has an amazing aura 
of positive energy 
and her knowledge 
of Feng Shui runs deep. 

When visiting our home,  
my husband and I were 
very impressed 
with her thorough 
exploration of the house, 
inside and out, and her keen, 
but gentle, suggestions 
of our Feng Shui mistakes.
Jillian gave us verbal 
and written suggestions 
with lots of specifics 
to help us achieve better Chi. 
It worked! 
We noticed a smoother flow 
in our home 
which led to a calmer existence, 
and better productivity. 

It's difficult to describe, 
but a welcomed change. 
Jillian's expertise is invaluable 
and I would recommend 
her services 
to anyone looking 
for all good things!"

 ~ Karen Nugent, R.N., Austin, TX

"Jillian brings great energy 
to all of her classes. 
She KNOWS how to motivate 
all of her participants 
and take them to the next level.

 Jillian is passionate about living 
a healthy lifestyle, 
and that same passion, 
she gives to her participants."

~ Stephanie Hawkins
3M Wellness Director 
Austin, TX